Air Canada Leader

Eurocamp’s Most Popular Sites

Features Sun Worldwide 15th January 2021

 By April Drew   We asked and you answered. We polled over 3,000 of you to ask you what your favourite Eurocamp sites are in Europe. Below are the most popular selections. We’ve included the parc name, the location and the Eurocamp code. To search further please visit We’ve also added in the nearest town (so you can see if it’s within walking distance) and the nearest airports.  …

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Virtual Santa Experience 2020

Santa 26th November 2020

 By Elaine Whelan  2020 has seen many us change our usual routines. Unfortunately, it seems our usual Christmas traditions will also be required to change and adapt to our circumstances. Thankfully however, change and cancel are two very different things and everything has been done so that this year will be just as magical. It may but different but here’s how…

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Drive-Thru Santa Grottos 2020

Santa 26th November 2020

By Elaine Whelan  The start of the summer saw drive in cinemas becoming popular across the country with ones popping up left right and centre around the country. This ingenious idea meant that families were safe in the protection of their own vehicle but could still enjoy the excitement of being out of the house and of cinema. This drive-thru idea…

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What to do this Halloween

Features Staycation 17th September 2020

By Elaine Whelan  The spookiest time of year is just around the corner! Sadly however, Halloween will be a little different this year due to the current restrictions. Our old traditions of trick or treating or costume parties might not be on the cards but there’s still plenty your family can do to celebrate Halloween safely.  Lego Halloween Camp, Various…

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Things to do in Carlow

Staycation Things to do 24th August 2020

Photo credit – Shuttershock By Elaine Whelan  If you’re dreaming of a holiday break this year, then Carlow is a great destination to consider. It really is a haven for those who enjoy the great outdoors with stunning, unspoilt landscapes, fresh air and wide open spaces!  Rancho Reilly  Rancho Reilly is a family run Pet Farm and Children’s Activity Centre ideal for…

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