Air Canada Leader

April’s weekly round up

April’s weekly round up

Holiday News

Well the week started off with lots of positive sentiments regarding the possibility of overseas travel by the end of 2021 and ended with messages from our leaders that hearing the words “please put your own oxygen mask on first” won’t be possible until 2022 now.

Look to be fair the message changes every few days so I won’t get my knickers in a twist just yet and won’t be cancelling the three different holiday resorts I’ve booked in the Canary Islands for the October midterm YET but I am slowly resigning myself to the fact that it very well may be early to middle of 2022 at this stage before I’ve to pack all my holiday belongings into a 20kg suitcase again.

In the meantime I’m staying positive with the fact that our Taoiseach, Micheál Martin, did tell Newstalk Radio in the middle of the week that he does feel staycations in Ireland will be possible by the summer – if the numbers continue to decline and vaccinations are ongoing- he “doesn’t see why not” so we will take this little nugget of hope and switch the summer in Spain funds to summer in Ireland.

We have a week in Center Parcs in June booked and a week in a house rental in August in Wexford, both sharing with friends. I’m hopeful of these going ahead but none of us have a crystal ball now do we! I also hope to do some mini-staycations in some of our fine Irish hotels but will see how it all goes.

I would recommend that you guys don’t leave it too late to book something for the summer, BUT make sure anything you book has a free cancellation policy, even if it’s €30 more than paying up front. NOBODY should be taking risks with their hard earned money on holidays during these turbulent times.

I’m banking on us having fabulous weather again from Easter onwards …..

AND, if it just happens that things regress again and we can’t leave our counties by the summer , well…I am booking a dental appointment in Tenerfie!!!!


I’ve been waiting months to get a voucher or refund from Aer Lingus on flights that didn’t go last November (to Tenerife- and not for a dental visit). I had called them 2-3 times but tried again this week and a nice lady on the phone processed the refund there and then while I was on the phone. They appeared in my account 3 days later (in various amounts- they usually return money per person per flight). This was a little win. This is the number I called- 01 761 7835. For those still seeking money from Ryanair the number to call is 0818 303 030.


I had a scan this week (25 weeks and 4 days). Thankfully baby Mooney is doing super. No we won’t find out the sex and no we don’t have names yet. I was delighted to get a date for my section so please god, all goes well for the next trimester. My pelvic girdle pain is off the charts but I’ve gotten some relief from physio which I hope to continue. I need to get my baby stuff ready and buy the few bits that are essential. I’m way too lax for baby number 4.


We have managed, yet again (so proud), to stay within the €200 household budget this week. Shopping cost €108, take away approx €40, €20 to the house fund, €15 on lotto (a syndicate we are in) and the rest went on treats. We also set aside money for monthly bills of course which vary, week to week, and whatever I’ve left over goes into a holiday fund. Currently trying to save to pay off Centre Parcs in June (accommodation, activities and food).


Aside from providing content on the Getaways with Kids website and social media pages, I’ve been busy creating a Covid Weddings and Engagement magazine special (my other hat) and tendering for other magazines for third parties. I am so grateful to be busy again although we’re technically NOT trading (or making money) it’s giving me a focus and preparing for the future.

Tv Shows

We finished watching “The Missing” (2 seasons) over on Prime and moved on to its follow up show “Baptise” (not as good but worth watching) on Netflix. We also recently watched “Cheat” (only 4 episodes) on Netflix and Informer (1 season) which was sooo good also. Alone (because it was too girly for John) I’ve finished “Virgin River” (very cute) and started “Firefly Lane” which I’m really enjoying. But girls, I can’t finish “Bridgerton”.. I try, every now and then, but I’ll get there.


In other random news, I’ve slipped with my 2litre water drinking and juicing but hope to pick it back up this week. I still read a lot in the week, which I LOVE. I’m currently reading Tony Robbins “Awaken the Giant Within.” I’ve started leaving the house more for a drive for my sanity. I leave one person and come back another.


“What’s for you won’t go by you”

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